Friday, 29 October 2010

Catching up: Family fun in the Studio

With apologies to blog readers, I'm still in catch up mode. Today I'm going to take you through a few family portraits taken recently in our North London Studio.

It's always great to get a family who are ready to be creative, have fun and really enjoy a photoshoot and so it was when Solomon, his wife and daughter joined me a few weeks back for a happy hour with me a few weeks ago.

Daniel Davies Photography
I love this image - no distractions but captures the love and sense of fun that only a mother and daughter can have.

Daniel Davies Photography
Young Ellie settled quickly into the role of international supermodel - maybe a portent for the future?

Daniel Davies Photography
Sometimes the best images come through play and not through posing. Ellie seemed particularly susceptible to the 'tickle treatment'!

Daniel Davies Photography
And having been the victim of a little rib-tickling Ellie seemed keen that she should turn the tables on her own Dad!

Daniel Davies Photography
In fact she found it so funny, that for a few moments she could only roll around on the floor in fits of giggles!

Daniel Davies Photography
In a quiet moment (and thanks to Ellies phenomenal energy levels, there weren't many!) I took the chance to make a few images of Mum & Dad...

Daniel Davies Photography
...Before returning to focus on the undoubted star of the show, who by now was loving the camera!

Daniel Davies Photography
A final shot of Ellie on her own, where I tried to create a sense of her smallness and vulnerbility with this shot.

Daniel Davies Photography
Sometimes it's not just about the single images themselves. Here I've combined two complimentary shots to create this one canvas that I think really showcases Ellie and her Dad perfectly.

A huge thank you to all three of you for the fun, energy and spirit you brought into my studio last month. It really is a pleasure to create great images of such great people!


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